In other news for Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 09:39:51AM +0900, Marc Dequènes (duck) 
has been seen typing:
> Quack,
> It seems the project is leaving the decision about Weboob onto me, so I'll
> try to address it.

{ A whole lot of refuge in technicalities snipped }  
> So apart from objectification of women, but without instrumentalization or
> degrading message, I was not able to find serious consequences. As much as I
> would prefer things to be different (I already told upstream in the past) I
> don't feel I have any right or special wisdom allowing me to dictate people
> to act and think differently. Banning content because it displease me and
> make people uncomfortable while no direct harm has been found is unlikely to
> have a positive effect. Consequently unless harmful content I'm not aware of
> is discovered in this package I am not going to remove it from the archive.
> I would consider adding a neutral warning message in the package description
> though, so people can individually decide for themselves if this is
> acceptable from their own point of view.

No one in this entire thread was asking that this software be removed.

Instead, all along the suggestion has been "Rename some of the programs
because Debian is not run by a bunch of puerile twelve-year-olds who get
their sense of humor from Beavis and Butthead"

> I'll be coming at DebConf this year. Feel free to come and discuss it with
> me.
> \_o<
> -- 
> Marc Dequènes

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