Dmitry Bogatov writes:
> I believed (and still believe, despite of REJECT), that best way is
> 0. One source package, providing single binary package per runscript.
>    src:{foo}-run -> bin:{foo}-run -> /etc/sv/{foo}

We generally try to avoid tiny packages in the archive; having 1000+
automatically generated source and binary packages in the archive seems
like a suboptimal solution.

Neither systemd, sysvinit or upstart required extra binary packages.

> 2. Add bin:{foo}-run into {foo}.
>    It is infeasible due same social consideration.

That would still result in many tiny binary packages.
> 3. Make single src:runscripts, providing many bin:{foo}-run


As a possible alternative: ship the runscript and some metadata (which
systemd service(s) and/or sysvinit script(s) this corresponds with;
which system users would be needed; ...) either in the service package
(preferred long-term) or a "runscripts" package (maybe easier for
initial experiments).

Then have runit provide a command that creates the system users, sets up
the runit service and disables the systemd service (which I think was
still missing from the *-run packages).


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