Sean Whitton writes ("git & Debian packaging sprint report"):
> Main achievement
> ----------------
> We designed and implemented a system to make it possible for DDs to
> upload new versions of packages by simply pushing a specially formatted
> git tag to salsa.
> Please see this blog post to learn about how it works:
> While the cloud service part of this system has not yet been deployed,
> and so you can't just tag to upload yet, the blog post explains how you
> can run the cloud service in an ad-hoc mode on your laptop, and thereby
> get a feel for how it works.
> You can also read git-debpush(1) in sid.[1]

The one technical piece missing for deployment is webhook queue /
dispatcher.  Can someone familiar with this space recommend one ?

In more detail, here is what I think the problem is:

 * The webhook client expects a quick response. But the bot's
   processing for a tag addressed to the bot takes some time (because
   it needs to fetch a fair amount of data and build a source
   package).  So webhook calls must be queued.

 * Sometimes it will be necessary to retry a failed bot invocation.
   (The bot already knows whether a particular invocation should be
   retried, and can feed this back to the queue.)  The retry interval
   and number of retries must be limited.

 * The bot expects to be forked/exec'd.

 * Significant protection against DoS is not needed because the
   web hook receiver's webserver will have a firewall protecting it
   from anything other than salsa.

 * The webserver and web hook receiver/queue (including the JSON
   parser which will be needed) must be high quality software, because
   we really want to avoid any vulnerabilities.

 * I can easily change the bot's fork/exec API to make it conveniently
   fit into whatever queue system.

If necessary I can write my own but it seems like this is a problem
that there should already be a good solution to.


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