On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 08:50:54AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Tobias" == Tobias Frost <t...@debian.org> writes:
>     Tobias> Well, if it is GPL3, you can patch out the
>     Tobias> real-money-purchasing thing, I guess, can't you?
>     Tobias> On the other side: Can you actually play (and win) the game
>     Tobias> without any purchase? Because any IAP will have pricacy
>     Tobias> concerns… (Desert Island Test, Dissident test)
> You can, but I don't think you are under an obligation to do so.

The intention of this question was to re-ensure that this is really
free, nothing more, not to imply any obligations to do so. (It wouldn't
be the first time that upstreams do "ammend" the GPL3 in an incompatible

> I think you should make the privacy issues here.

(EPARSE) Sorry, I don't understand what you mean…

> But free software is not inherently against capitalism, making money, or
> any of that.

Yes, never disputed.

> You could of course patch the game to redirect it (and the purchases) to
> your servers rather than the original servers.
> Doing that might involve writing servers.
> --Sam

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