Tobias Frost <> writes:

> I think there is another option, as embedding lua is a bad idea for the
> reason you have already quoted: There are currently two (three with
> experimental) lua versions available in Debian, so you should run one of
> those. This is especially true if the to-embedded-library is someting
> like the caliber of lua.

I think you may be interpreting this with wrong definition of "embed."
"Embedded Lua" normally means that the compiled program contains or links
with a Lua interpreter and some configuration or plugins can be written in
Lua.  I would just read "embed Lua" as "link the program with a Lua

It doesn't mean that the Lua source code ships with the source of the
program, or that the program has its own forked copy of Lua.  That's
normally called "vendoring" or something more informal.

The problem is what version of Lua to link with, and how to handle
upgrades (which are inevitable since option 2 from the original message
isn't viable in the long run; eventually, we're going to remove the old
version of Lua from the archive).

Russ Allbery (               <>

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