Hi Ian,

Thanks for the offering. I'm not eager to write such a wiki page
because it's not urgent. Plus, currently I have a rather complete
image on the "Future Debian and Artificial Intelligence" topic
based on experience. Of course I won't be satisfied by
only documenting these small points.

I've already planned to write a long article on the whole topic
with a good overview and some important details[1] including
those mentioned in the previous mails. Please look forward to it.
After finishing the article, porting it to debian wiki would be
trivial enough.

On the other hand, rushing a debian wiki page covering only a
single small topic, out of git tracking, would result in something
like "write once, burden forever" to me once the URL had been
widely spread. So please wait for my article.

I'm concurrently working on 3 non-trivial documentation projects:
1. "Debian and Gentoo's Linear Algebra Libraries" (i.e. BLAS/LAPACK)
2. The Unofficial "ML-Policy"
3. "Future Debian and Artificial Intelligence"
hope this could help me demonstrate how unwilling I am to
maintain a wiki page.

[1] and possibly submit it to lwn

On 2019-09-05 08:23, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Jonas Smedegaard writes ("Re: On the Removal of src:tensorflow"):
>> Please beware that there's a huge difference between being able to
>> stumble upon your notes in a web search - and in the case of a wiki page
>> to add additional notes to it - and then to have an open invitation to
>> ask questions to an expert.
>> I encourage you to help get your valuable information onto our wiki,
>> regardless of the lack of feedback you have received on it.
> Seconded.  However, I don't think this...
>> Our wiki does not use mediawiki but an older(?) markup called Creole.
> Mo Zhou writes ("Re: On the Removal of src:tensorflow"):
>> I dislike the mediawiki markup. [...]
> ... is likely to be an answer to that.
> Mo: if you write up your notes in some plain text format I will put
> them on the wiki for you.  You should probably do that by replying to
> this thread because of the principle of doing things in public.
> Please be sure to CC me on the email.  NB that do *not* intend to take
> on the role of ongoing document editor and won't be incorporating
> comments made in response to your mail.
> Thanks,
> Ian.

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