On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 7:05 PM Simon Richter <s...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:28:23PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > > Note that by way of counterargument, Google and its services have
> > > been blocked in mainland China by the Great Firewall for nearly a
> > > decade now, so I question whether there is really such a thing as
> > > "too big to block."
> > This is a false dichotomy: not all nation states are willing to go to
> > the extreme lengths as China.
> Also, China cannot block Github, because they have no equivalent, and even
> if they did, it wouldn't have the same content. Google is too easily
> replicated, because they have no immediate contributors.
> I expect that China will set up a proxy service with clones of all relevant
> Github repositories soon to keep read-only access to free software around
> but inhibit organizing through shared documents.
> CloudFlare has too many services behind them that are important for the
> economy and not replicable, so they are in a better position than Github
> here.


It's too native have such thoughts. It's never "too big to block".
It's "not worth to block" if it's not too big. If you are in the
"real" censorship environment, you would know how meaningless it is to
rely on some "big" third-partys.

Please don't in name of censorship-resistant.

Shengjing Zhu

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