Hi Paul,

On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Paul Wise wrote:
> I am wondering how you discovered these, was it just reading the
> upstream code/website or are you monitoring traffic on your machine?

Upstream states clearly what he is collecting, and the rest is obvious
because displayed on start. No magic necessary.
Also no hidden stuff, all is clearly stated and open.

> Personally, I don't like any of them enabled by default but with
> informed consent and correct behaviour the plugin update checks could
> be reasonable for the Debian package. The general update check isn't

What do you mean with "informed consent and correct behaviour"? Would a
clear statement in the NEWS file be enough?

> useful on Debian but could be for some of the upstream platforms that
> don't have system-wide package update checks.

Yes, I think this is something everyone agrees upon.

> In case you want to convince upstream to correct the behaviour, here
> is an example of somewhere that upstream was (eventually) convinced to

I read through that case and I consider it quite different. In the Cura
case quite a lot of information where sent, while in the Calibre case
there is only a random ID, the OS (no specifics, just
Linux/Windows/Mac), and the iconset selected (if any) which has
influence only on the order of selectable iconsets in the menu ;-)

No information about the library (not even the number of books).



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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