Simon McVittie <> writes:

> Using dpkg triggers to run the tmpfiles and sysusers tools automatically
> is probably not enough, because a package's postinst will often run
> system services (systemd unit, LSB init script, etc.), and those system
> services need to be run *after* creating at least this package's
> tmpfiles hierarchies and system users, because they probably rely on
> those directories and users to work correctly.

Oh, meh, that's a good point.  This is another good argument for getting
dpkg integration in the long run so that dpkg knows to run the right
things at the right points and can also track the ownership of files and

I really want to get rid of maintainer scripts as much as possible in
favor of pure declarative syntax in the packages.  I think the fewer
Debian packages that need maintainer scripts, the easier the distribution
as a whole will be to maintain, analyze, and reason about.  When I was
doing lots of work on Lintian, there were so many times when we could have
done so much better if we didn't have to parse free-form shell scripts and
try to extract meaning from them.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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