Roberto C. Sánchez writes ("Re: Announcing miniDebConf Montreal 2020 -- August 
6th to August 9th 2020"):
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 12:05:29AM -0500, Jerome Charaoui wrote:
> > Following the announcement of the DebConf20 location, our desire to
> > participate became incompatible with our commitment toward the Boycott,
> > Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign launched by Palestinian civil
> > society in 2005. Hence, many active Montreal-based Debian developpers,
> > along with a number of other Debian developpers, have decided not to
> > travel to Israel in August 2020 for DebConf20.
> Would it be possible to not constantly air our personal political
> opinions and grievances on Debian lists?  Especially as part of
> something that goes to an -announce list.

The choice of venue for Debconf is a political act.  In this
particular case, it is highly political.  It is political in a way
that the people who advocated for this venue, and those who chose this
venue, surely recognised.

Pretending that only the dissenting opinions are political, and then
asking for "political" opinions not to be aired, reframes the debate
in such a way that only the status quo can even be expressed.

It was IMO completely appropriate for the Montreal team to make their
position, and their actual motives, clear.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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