Am 29.02.20 um 16:33 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> Until now, I mostly avoided writing .symbols files for C++ shared libs.
Solve the problem, but let some maybe important informations pass through.
> But I am now. Thanks to all pkg-kde-tools hackers for the symbols
> helper. Much appreciated.
A maybe a wrong explanation - changes in the symbols mean that a library
will not work at some points - may it be because of a changed compiler
or changed sources - the result is that the former lib will behave
different - and that's exactly my motivation to take care about. And
yes, pure c behave better regarding symbols. - I for myself prefer
readable symbols, so i made this very small script "symmangle":

> if [ -d ./debian ]; then
>     for i in `find . -name symbols`; do
>         k=`echo $i | sed "s#/DEBIAN/symbols##" | sed "s#./debian/##"`
>         cat "$i" | sed 's/ \(_.*\) \(.*\)/ (c++)"\1" \2/' | c++filt |
> LC_ALL=C sort -u | tee "debian/$k.mangled";
>     done
> fi
it's easy to see that it's a simple wrapper around c++filt.
> light+love
> Mike
Cheers Alf

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