On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 11:06:21AM +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> When a source package produces only one binary package, I've seen install 
> file 
> provided as "debian/install" or "debian/<package>.install".
> Knowing that dh_install man page only mentions the second form, should cme 
> assume that plain "debian/install" is deprecated ?
No, it's just documented in the common place, debhelper(7):

 Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in debian/control,
 debhelper will use debian/foo when there's no debian/package.foo file.
 However, it is often a good idea to keep the package. prefix as it is
 more explicit.  The primary exception to this are files that debhelper by
 default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package
 prefix (such as debian/copyright or debian/changelog).


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