Simon McVittie left as an exercise for the reader:
> If you care about portability to non-Debian systems, note that C.UTF-8 is
> a somewhat popular extension (I think it originated in the Fedora/Red Hat
> family before it was adopted by Debian and other distros) but is far from
> universally available. In particular, I'm aware of Arch Linux specifically
> *not* having it. The glibc maintainers consider the implementation used
> in e.g. Fedora and Debian to be a hack rather than something they want to
> maintain forever, but my understanding is that they would be willing to
> accept a better implementation.

As I "need" this only within the Debian Salsa CI (and only to
deal with this groff lintian warning, which it sounds like will
be handled another way), a Debian-specific solution would be
fine =]. Thanks for the details -- C.UTF-8 sounds like the right
way to go.

nick black -=-
to make an apple pie from scratch,
you need first invent a universe.

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