Simon McVittie <> writes:

> In an ideal world the non-RC mass-bug-filing would have happened at the
> earliest point when the FTLK maintainers considered 1.1 to be deprecated,
> with bugs escalated to RC when it becomes feasible to consider removing it
> altogether.

Yeah, I've been sitting on this notion entirely too long; reverse
dependencies' maintainers have generally been proactive about migrating
(thanks, everyone!), and continued maintenance of 1.1 hasn't been much
of a burden.  Per that second point, I'm open to carrying 1.1 in full
through one more release if necessary, so I'll leave the bugs as non-RC
for now.

> You probably can't drop the -dev package unless/until you're ready to
> drop the shared library, because it would be a RC bug for dependendent
> packages to be unbuildable (consider what would happen if there was a
> security update to the dependent package during the bullseye cycle).

Understood.  I was thinking more in terms of dependent software from
outside the archive, though that is of course a secondary concern.

>>   Subject: #PACKAGE#: Please migrate to FLTK 1.3
>>   #PACKAGE# still builds against FLTK 1.1, for which it is long past
>>   time for Debian to drop support.  Please migrate to 1.3, which is
>>   generally as simple as adjusting #PACKAGE#'s build dependencies and
>>   ensuring that it uses UTF-8 rather than a legacy text encoding.  (That
>>   said, please also make sure that you're linking FLTK dynamically,
>>   e.g. via fltk-config --ldflags rather than fltk-config --ilbs.)
> I think you mean "--libs", not "--ilbs".

Yeah, oops.

> This is an unusual calling convention and it might be worth mentioning
> explicitly that these options don't do what you would expect from their
> names.

How about replacing that parenthetical remark with a separate paragraph

  Also, please note that fltk-config (in both branches) differs from
  typical *-config scripts in having --libs yield paths to *static*
  libraries.  If your build has been making use of this syntax, please
  substitute --ldflags to obtain proper dynamic linkage.  (FLTK does not
  yet offer pkg-config metadata, sorry.)

> Tangentially related to this, it would be great if you could get FLTK
> upstream to provide pkg-config metadata (.pc file). The fltk-config script
> can't be made "Multi-Arch: same" without considerable extra hacking, and
> pkg-config is generally preferred by distros.

Yeah, I'm well aware of that, but it would need multiple .pc files, and
upstream hasn't historically showed much interest in supplying them:

However, it looks like they may finally be coming around:

In general, thanks for weighing in!

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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