On Fri, Jun 04, 2021 at 07:43:59PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
> I want to add a few patches to this repository:
>   <https://salsa.debian.org/glibc-team/glibc/>
> Surely there must be some tool support to help with that? 
This doesn't seem to be related to "team-maintained" or "salsa". This
seems to be a question about working with packaging in git (and there is
no single answer as there no single workflow, so unless the workflow used
is clear from the repo structure or there are docs, your only option is to
ask the maintainer/the team) or even a generic question about adding
packages to an unpacked source package, in which case the usual answer is

> I know how to do it manually (perhaps even involving quilt).  Has every
> Debian developer their own script for that?
Many maintainers use one of popular tools, like git-buildpackage, but even
for a single tool there is no single workflow. Others probably indeed have
their own scripts.


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