
Quoting Uladzimir Bely (2021-10-28 10:58:26)
> When building a package with sbuild, some packages (dependencies of package 
> being built) are internally downloaded and installed by apt. After the build 
> finished, schroot is cleaned again (while everything is done in overlay)
> I need to cache outside of schroot these .deb files that were downloaded by 
> apt. They are supposed to be used for creaing a local partial debian 
> repository, so that the second build will use this local repo instead of 
> internet one.
> Currently it's done by parsing dependencies and downloading them 
> independently, but I suppose there should be some more straightforward way to 
> get them using sbuild.
> I investigated and tried several options for sbuild (like 
> --purge-build=never, 
> --purge-deps=never, --purge-session=never), tried to find .deb files during 
> the build using at some stages (--pre-build-commands="ls -la /var/cache/apt/
> archives/", --starting-build-commands="ls -la /var/cache/apt/archives/", --
> finished-build-commands="ls -la /var/cache/apt/archives/") - but I couldn't 
> see any .deb files inside the schroot.
> I previously asked in debian-user maillist 
> (https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/10/msg01044.html), but the tips I 
> got (like using caching proxy) are 
> not what I really need. While sbuild already does the thing (downloading/
> installing dependencies), I suppose there should be a way to (at least) see
> the *.deb files downloaded in '/var/cache/apt/archives' inside schroot.

sbuild maintainer here. You have not explained why you don't want to use a
caching proxy like apt-cacher-ng. But using a caching proxy is also what I
would suggest you use.

If you don't want to use that, here is how you download only the packages you
need to satisfy the build depenencies of a particular source package:

cat << END > /tmp/apt.conf
Apt::Architecture "amd64";
Dir "/tmp/apt";
Dir::Etc::trusted "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg";
Dir::Etc::trustedparts "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/";
Apt::Get::Download-Only true;
Apt::Install-Recommends false;
mkdir -p /tmp/apt/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ /tmp/apt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 
/tmp/apt/var/lib/dpkg /tmp/apt/var/cache/apt/archives/partial 
touch /tmp/apt/var/lib/dpkg/status
cat << END > /tmp/apt/etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main
APT_CONFIG=/tmp/apt.conf apt update
APT_CONFIG=/tmp/apt.conf apt-get dist-upgrade
APT_CONFIG=/tmp/apt.conf apt-get build-dep hello

Now all your packages to build src:hello are in
/tmp/apt/var/cache/apt/archives. No need to waste CPU cycles on a full package
build if all you want is to download a certain set of binary packages.


cheers, josch

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