Le jeu. 23 déc. 2021 à 01:25, Sandro Tosi <mo...@debian.org> a écrit :

> > rebuild 500 packages takes hardware resources not
> every dd is expected to have at hand (or pay for, like a cloud
> account), so until there's a ratt-as-as-service
> (https://github.com/Debian/ratt) kinda solution available to every DD

If providing an easy way to rebuild the reverse depencies by DD could solve
the problem, what blocks us to do it? We could spawn container including
ratt ; the DD uploads the new package ;  rdepends are built ; compilation
report is sent to DD ; container is deleted.

I guess it's a lack of time and volonteers but I wonder if there are other

I wonder if it would help to use Debian money to pay for hosting?

Stéphane Blondon


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