On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 02:12:06PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Personally I am of the opinion that more ideally such documentation 
> should be treated as a source format with two targets - html and 
> plaintext - and that both those target formats should be generated 
> during package build and installed with the binary package(s).
> For Github-flavored Markdown I recommend to render both target formats 
> using the command-line tool cmark-gfm.  Here is an example of that: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/doctest/-/commit/d9b848b
> For most other flavors of Markdown I recommend to render using pandoc. 
> Here is an example of that: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/twitter-bootstrap3/-/commit/f138bf1
> For Gitlab-flavored Markdown there are currently no parser in Debian, 
> but depending on the actual markup used you might get away with pandoc + 
> a filter (but may then give up on rendering as plaintext).  Here is an 
> example of that: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/matrix-team/olm/-/commit/094396d
> Feel free to reach out if you need help juggling Markdown or using 
> pandoc.  I am no expert, but am interested, and am in touch with the 
> author if all else fails ;-)

I maintain "lowdown" in Debian. It supports several markup extensions
including several from GFM and CommonMark, and can output in HTML5, roff
(man/ms), LaTeX, ODF etc. It also has a terminal output mode, that can
be used to format and view Markdown documents in a pager. Upstream is at
https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/ and the package in Debian is just
"lowdown". Upstream is very responsive, so if you miss a particular
feature please file a bug (preferrably upstream, but I can also forward)

It's written in plain C and has no dependencies apart from libbsd. That
is of note, because pandoc is notorious for being hard to bootstrap
(because of Haskell) and the only other alternative I had explored for
my use case was ronn, which is in Ruby and thus also has a complicated
dependency chain. (Depending on your package, you may or may not care
about your build-dependency chain; I did.)


1: https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/

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