On Tue, 08 Mar 2022 12:29:43 -0700, Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org>
>Take a look at https://salsa.debian.org/vorlon/pam/-/merge_requests/3

As far as I understand, that's a PR against pam setting umask.to 002
on login, 022 for root. Especially the bug reports referenced there
bring me directly and deeply into Debian-Ubuntu politics which is a
significant drain for me.

>According to the history of that patch, we have some old consensus to
>move toward usergroups and a default umask of 0002 (except for root
>which gets 0022).
>I was trusting the analysis in that merge request and assuming we
>actually did have such a consensus.

I am not aware of that. If we have consensus, then all the better.

>But I'd ask you to look into the history of usergroups in Debian as part
>of your decision process.

Where would I read up on that? I am not deeply enough in those
political things to be able to judge whether a discussion from 15
years ago is still valid today.

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