On Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 06:41:58PM +1200, Matt Grant wrote:
> Hi!
> Has anyone thought  about how to help out Ukraine by using Debian?
> Thinking about humanitarian relief and and other possibilities for
> communications.  Is there any way I may be able to help out by remoting
> in?  Any one got any verifiable contacts please?
> Thank you so much,
> Matt Grant

Hi Matt,

I think there's a couple of things here. Although the Debian installer and
some other parts of Debian have been localised into Ukrainian, anyone
who speaks and writes Ukrainian would be very welcome to help Debian in
general make Debian a better environment in Ukrainian - we're short handed
for this.

Distributing laptops with Debian on, for example, or Freedombox or whatever
may be counterproductive at this time: probably the best help that anybody
could do is to give money to the International Red Cross or one of the large
aid agencies on the ground - and keep giving. If Debian is worth 10 currency
units a month to you - give that much to one of the large aid agencies as
if you were giving it to Debian.

Offering to help administer somebody's machine remotely in the climate of
cyber attacks, allegations and misleading information might not be welcomed :(

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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