Am Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:12:19AM -0700 schrieb Russ Allbery:
> I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to
> figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the
> installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it.  I've spent
> frustrated hours trying to follow the documentation and doing things that
> look right only to have the installer say that there's no firmware visible
> without any clue as to how to debug the errors.  Every time I have tried
> this, I have eventually given up and found the non-free images, which just
> worked.
> If this is going to be the solution, it has to be WAY easier to do.

I confirm that I never ever managed to provide the needed firmware to
the free official installer.  Thus my consequence was to ignore it and
just use the non-free firmware enabled installer.  I do not think that
it is sensible to let users make this experience themselves and I'm
really welcoming the effort Steve did.  Out of the original post I
prefer option 5.  Currently I don't habe time to read the whole thread
but I have spotted some sensible enhancements of option 5 that are
worth discussing.

Thanks a lot Steve



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