On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 03:30:16PM +0200, Hideki Yamane wrote:
>  Fedora, openSUSE, and Ubuntu did LTO by default, and I've not heard about
>  any wrong. Is the situation in Debian differ from theirs?

Not everything works with LTO right away: debugging build problems or
runtime problems takes effort.

Ubuntu has kept track of some problematic packages via a new package:

Debian supports more architectures than Ubuntu or Fedora or OpenSUSE; this
might mean there's costs unique to Debian. I suspect, without evidence,
that Debian may have more diversity of usecases, and thus might find
problems in software that are unnoticed in the other distributions.

So while I think the Ubuntu experience is promising for enabling LTO in
Debian, I don't think it's necessarily the exact same path.

(Don't read this as encouragement or discouragement -- I just wanted to
give a link to the lto-disabled-list package in the hopes that it helps
inform the discussion.)


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