
TL;DR: dpkg-statoverride detection cannot be automated, but there are
only 5 affected packages.

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 03:34:38PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
>  * DEP17-P5: dpkg-statoverrides not matching the files shipped.
>    Possibly, I can extend dumat to cover unconditional statoverrides.

In retrospect, this feels like a lie. As usual, the story is more
complex than it initially seems. A really big chunk of users just
queries a path for a (local) override. We cannot capture these by
looking how a chroot was modified during maintainer scripts. Another
significant chunk is conditional statoverrides that depend on either
debconf answers or failure to apply filesystem capabilities. Observing
the intended outcome in these cases is next to impossible. Actually
parsing shell scripts and extracting those calls is what I tried for
diversions first, but that runs afoul variable interpolation and the
halting problem before too long. So really, I don't see a good way to
implement the promised detection without a high error rate.

Then on the flip side, there's about 1500 maintainer scripts matching
dpkg-statoverride found by binarycontrol.d.n. Since most have postinst
and prerm and most are in all suites, that's about 250 packages. Of
these, the vast majority only ever deals with canonical paths or paths
unaffected by the /usr-merge.  Checking all of these manually as a
one-shot effort definitely sounds more plausible to me. To validate this
claim (after having made a wrong one), I actually performed the analysis
for unstable and found only five affected packages. I intend to move
this forward by supplying the necessary patches.

Changes needed:
 * fuse (queries only, can be duplicated now)
 * fuse3 (queries only, can be duplicated now)
 * ntfs-3g (queries only, can be duplicated now)
 * systemd-cron (needs to be updated when moving files)
 * yp-tools (needs to be updated when moving files)

Nontrivially unaffected:
 * nfs-common (removes an aliased statoverride)

 * activemq
 * amavisd-new
 * apt-cacher-ng
 * asterisk
 * asterisk-config
 * autofs-ldap
 * ax25-apps
 * backuppc
 * balboa
 * biboumi
 * bird
 * bird2
 * boinc-client
 * boxbackup-server
 * bucardo
 * ca-certificates
 * cado
 * ceph-base
 * ceph-common
 * ceph-mds
 * ceph-mgr
 * chrony
 * clamav-unofficial-sigs
 * cockpit-ws
 * corekeeper
 * coturn
 * courier-authdaemon
 * courier-authlib-ldap
 * courier-authlib-mysql
 * courier-authlib-postgresql
 * courier-base
 * courier-faxmail
 * courier-imap
 * courier-ldap
 * courier-mta
 * courier-pop
 * courier-webadmin
 * cron
 * cron-daemon-common
 * cubemap
 * cups
 * cups-daemon
 * cups-tea4cups
 * cups-x2go
 * cw
 * cyrus-common
 * davfs2
 * davmail-server
 * dbus
 * deluged
 * dodgindiamond2
 * dokuwiki
 * dovecot-core
 * durep
 * ejabberd
 * eviacam
 * exim4-base
 * exim4-config
 * fdutils
 * ferm
 * forked-daapd
 * fping
 * gammu-smsd
 * ganglia-monitor
 * ganglia-webfrontend
 * geki2
 * geki3
 * geoclue-2.0
 * gerbera
 * glhack
 * gmetad
 * gnokii-cli
 * gnunet
 * graphite-api
 * graphite-carbon
 * graphite-web
 * gravitywars
 * groonga-httpd
 * groonga-server-common
 * gvmd
 * gweled
 * h2o
 * haserl
 * hplip
 * i2p
 * icinga2-common
 * icingadb
 * icingaweb2-common
 * ilisp
 * im
 * inadyn
 * incron
 * john
 * json2file-go
 * kea-common
 * kgb-bot
 * kismet
 * knot
 * libvirt-daemon-system
 * libx2go-server-db-perl
 * libzeroc-ice3.7
 * lldpd
 * lmarbles
 * logdata-anomaly-miner
 * login-duo
 * lprng
 * lyskom-server
 * man-db
 * mandos
 * mandos-client
 * matrix-sydent
 * matrix-synapse
 * mgetty-fax
 * milter-greylist
 * minidlna
 * mlocate
 * mon
 * monsterz
 * mpd
 * mpd-sima
 * mpdscribble
 * muse
 * nagios4-cgi
 * nagios4-common
 * nagvis
 * nbsdgames
 * netdata-core
 * nethack-common
 * netselect
 * nginx-common
 * notus-scanner
 * nsca-ng-server
 * nsd
 * onak
 * open-infrastructure-compute-tools
 * opendkim
 * opendmarc
 * opendnssec-common
 * opensmtpd
 * openssh-client
 * opentracker
 * openvas-scanner
 * pacemaker-common
 * pawserv
 * pconsole
 * pdns-ixfrdist
 * phog
 * php-common
 * phpmyadmin
 * pkexec
 * plocate
 * pmount
 * polkitd
 * polkitd-pkla
 * postfix
 * powermanga
 * prayer
 * prometheus
 * prometheus-alertmanager
 * prometheus-apache-exporter
 * prometheus-bind-exporter
 * prometheus-blackbox-exporter
 * prometheus-haproxy-exporter
 * prometheus-ipmi-exporter
 * prometheus-mysqld-exporter
 * prometheus-node-exporter
 * prometheus-postfix-exporter
 * prometheus-postgres-exporter
 * prometheus-process-exporter
 * prometheus-pushgateway
 * prometheus-redis-exporter
 * prometheus-smokeping-prober
 * prosody
 * puppet-agent
 * puppetdb
 * puppetserver
 * pure-ftpd-common
 * pyracerz
 * qpsmtpd
 * radosgw
 * radvd
 * redis-sentinel
 * redis-server
 * redis-tools
 * roundcube-core
 * rtpengine-daemon
 * rtpengine-recording-daemon
 * samba-common
 * sasl2-bin
 * sendmail-bin
 * shibboleth-sp-utils
 * smstools
 * smtpprox-loopprevent
 * snort
 * softhsm2-common
 * sogo
 * spacearyarya
 * spamassassin
 * spampd
 * sqlgrey
 * squid
 * squid-openssl
 * sqwebmail
 * ssl-cert
 * stenographer
 * stenographer-common
 * switchsh
 * systemtap-runtime
 * tango-common
 * taskd
 * tecnoballz
 * telnetd-ssl
 * terminatorx
 * trafficserver
 * transmission-daemon
 * tryton-server
 * tryton-server-postgresql
 * tt-rss
 * tuxtype
 * tvtime
 * udevil
 * uml-utilities
 * varnish
 * vast
 * vde2
 * veyon-service
 * victoria-metrics
 * vlock
 * vrfydmn
 * webdis
 * webfs
 * wims
 * wing
 * wireshark-common
 * x2gobroker-agent
 * x2gobroker-authservice
 * x2gobroker-daemon
 * x2gobroker-loadchecker
 * x2gobroker-ssh
 * x2gobroker-wsgi
 * x2goserver
 * x2goserver-printing
 * xastir
 * xcwcp
 * xinit
 * xorp
 * yadifa
 * yaws
 * zeroc-icegrid


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