On 10/10/23 02:18, Simon Richter wrote:
On 10/10/23 06:24, Jonathan Kamens wrote:

  * binary package name different from source name
  * deb contains no changelog or NEWS files in /usr/share/doc
  * creates a symlink in /usr/share/doc with the binary package name as
    its name, pointing at another directory in /usr/share/doc

I'd go an easier way: if the changelog is a symlink, its target is the changelog to use, so the same changelog (with the same file name) will be used by multiple packages, and all that's left is to deduplicate this list.

The new version of apt-listchanges already deduplicates. The main point of the logic revamp I did was to add such deduplication instead of relying on version numbers to determine what to show the user.

Having said that, it doesn't make sense to do what you're proposing. If a package doesn't have any changelog files in it, but rather just a symlink to another package's changelog files, then those changelog files will have already been parsed by apt-listchanges and displayed to the user when the package that owns them was installed. As far as I can see the only thing that would be accomplished by doing what you suggest would be to make apt-listchanges slower, since it would have to locate and reparse all those changelog files, only to discover that their contents have already been displayed to the user.


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