Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : golang-github-bradenaw-juniper
  Version         : 0.15.1
  Upstream Contact:
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : extension to the Go standard library

 Juniper is a library of extensions to the Go standard library using generics,
 including containers, iterators, and streams.
   - `container/tree` contains a `Map` and `Set` that keep elements in sorted
     order. They are implemented using a B-tree, which performs better than a
     binary search tree.
   - `container/deque` contains a double-ended queue implemented with a ring
   - `container/xheap` contains a min-heap similar to the standard library's
     `container/heap` but more ergonomic, along with a `PriorityQueue` that
     allows setting priorities by key.
   - `container/xlist` contains a linked-list similar to the standard library's
     `container/list`, but type-safe.
   - `xslices` contains some commonly-used slice operations, like `Chunk`,
     `Reverse`, `Clear`, and `Join`.
   - `iterator` contains an iterator interface used by the containers, along
     with functions to manipulate them, like `Map`, `While`, and `Reduce`.
   - `stream` contains a stream interface, which is an iterator that can fail.
     Useful for iterating over collections that require I/O. It has most of the
     same combinators as `iterator`, plus some extras like `Pipe` and `Batch`.
   - `parallel` contains some shorthand for common uses of goroutines to process
     slices, iterators, and streams in parallel, like `parallel.MapStream`.
   - `xsort` contains extensions to the standard library package `sort`.
     Notably, it also has the definition for `xsort.Less`, which is how custom
     orderings can be defined for sorting and also for ordered collections like
     from `container/tree`.
   - You can probably guess what's in the packages `xerrors`, `xmath`,
     `xmath/xrand`, `xsync`, and `xtime`.
 Packages that overlap directly with a standard library package are named the
 same but with an `x` prefix for "extensions", e.g. `sort` and `xsort`.
 See the docs at for more.

Dependency of golang-github-henrybear327-go-proton-api and

- Will need a sponsor
- Will be maintained in Debian Go Packaging Team

Kind regards,

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