Russell Stuart <> writes:

> The reason I'm replying is after one, probably two decades this still
> annoys me:

>    $ dpkg -S /etc/profile
>    dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/profile

> It was put their by the Debian install, and I'm unlikely to change it.
> Its fairly important security wise.  It would be nice if "dpkg -S" told
> me base-files.deb installed it.  It would be nice if debsums told me if
> it changed.  There are lots of files like this, such as /etc/environment
> and /etc/hosts.  There are some directories like /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
> which should only have files claimed by some .deb.

Guillem has a plan for addressing this, I believe as part of metadata
tracking, that would allow such files can be registered by their packages
and then tracked by dpkg.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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