On Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 11:25:20AM -0500, M. Zhou wrote:
> On Sat, 2025-01-11 at 13:49 +0100, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
> > 
> > Today trying to see how a new person who wants to start maintaining new 
> > packages would do and trying to do research thinking from his point of 
> > view and from simple searches on the internet I found unfortunately that 
> > these parts are fragmented and do not help at all to aim for something 
> > unified but not even simple and fast enough.
> And those fragments also changes as the time goes by. Such as the sbuild
> schroot -> unshare changes. They are not necessarily well documented in
> every introduction material for new comers.
> Even if somebody in Debian community has enough time to overhaul everything
> and create a new documentation, it will become the situation described
> in XKCD meme "standards": xkcd.com/927/ -- we just got yet another document
> as a fragment as time goes by.
> LLMs are good companions as long as the strong ones are used. In order to
> help new comers to learn, it is better for Debian to allocate some LLM API
> credits to them, instead of hoping for someone to work on the documentation
> and falling in the XKCD-927 infinite loop.
> Considering the price, the LLM API call for helping all DDs + newcomers,
> I believe, will be cheaper than hiring a real person to overhaul those
> documentations and keep them up to date. This is a feasible way to partly
> solve the issue without endlessly waiting for the HERO to appear.
> Debian should consider allocating some budget like several hundred USD
> per month for the LLM API calls for all members and new-comers' usage.
> DebGPT can be hooked somewhere within the debian development process,
> such as sbuild/ratt for build log analysis, etc. It is cheap enough
> and people will eventually figure out the useful apsect of them.
> Opinion against this post will include something about hallucination.
> In the case LLM write something that does not compile at all, or write
> some non-existent API, a human is intelligent enough to easily notice
> that build failure or lintian error and tell whether it is hallucination
> or not. I personally believe LLMs, at the current stage, is useful
> as long as used and interpreted properly.
> BTW, I was in the middle of evaluation LLMs for the nm-template. I did lots
> of procrastinations towards finishing the evaluation, but the first
> several questions were answered perfectly.
> https://salsa.debian.org/lumin/ai-noises/-/tree/main/nm-templates?ref_type=heads
> If anybody is interested in seeing the LLM evaluation against nm-templates,
> please let me know and your message will be significantly useful for me
> to conquer my procrastination on it.


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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