On Tue, Apr 28, 1998 at 05:02:57PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> This discussion is ridiculous.
> In my view singular `they' is perfectly correct.  If I can use it in
> my PhD thesis (with a footnote[1] and supporting references, and
> without any complaint from the examiners) then we can use it here.
> Furthermore, language is defined by use, not by prescription (try
> asking a linguist, rather than a schoolteacher).  Singular `they' is
> very well accepted practice in this speech community; in the contexts
> I have used it it is (I believe) clear, clean and unambiguous.

I hope you are well aware of the fact that a lot of people will not
understand it, and probably will ask you about it. I can tell you that most
german readers may be confused. I don't know about other countries, but I
assume the situation is not very different there.

> I will not change the current draft, and blustering here will not make
> me change my mind.  If you're so horribly bothered you'll have to
> propose an amendment; I wonder if you could find five sufficiently
> anal (and wrong) supporters.

Ian, I find your attitude arrogant and egocentric. Your constitution is hard
enough to read for non-native speakers, and if you don't want to rule out people
that don't have a Ph.D. in Oxford English, you probably want to reconsider
your position.

I will not make you the favour to propose a change, because I don't have the
time for kid games and name calling. I only ask you to have a footnote
explaining: If you need it in your Ph.D. to warrant this language, you
certainly want it in an internationally used document, too.

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