>>"Philip" == Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Philip> Manoj, Was my previous mail really that annoying ?  If so, I
Philip> apologise profusely (I was fairly tired at the time I wrote
Philip> it, so may have started to be rather more argumentative that I
Philip> meant to be)

        Well, it was gfetting frustating, what with being in the
 middle of two conversations, one with Dale and James, who are of the
 opinion that policy is a guideline, and not a set of rules adopted by
 the project, and you and raul, who are of the opinion that no one
 needs defend policy or say that it should be folllowed, since that is
 self evident. 

        I may have over reacted to being the lone voice crying in the
 wilderness bit.

Philip> I think we actually hold fairly similar opinions about this
Philip> subject.  Did you ever see my previous attempt to calm this
Philip> discussion down a bit ?

        I think we all hold views that are pretty close to each
 others. The de'il is in the details ...

Philip> Anyway, I think you've started being just a little
Philip> argumentative now, since I don't believe that you, or anyone
Philip> else for that matter, wants to violate policy in a destructive
Philip> way.

        well, not really.

Philip> You seemed (to my tired eyes) to be accusing people of
Philip> objecting to:

Philip> Policy should be followed, except where a discussion about the
Philip> clause in question is still ongoing, in which case the
Philip> maintainer may indulge in a policy violation if they feel it
Philip> is a technically superior approach.

        I think this would indeed satisfy all of us. This statement
 put policy as something we all collectively have agreed to follow,
 and yet rtecognizes that at time policy may be in error, and allows
 people leeway to correct policy, and allow it to evolve and converge
 to correct behaviour.


 "Once I was a tadpole, in the beginning of the begin; Then I was a
 toadfrog with my tail tucked in. Then I was a monkey in a banyan
 tree; Now I'm a professor with a Ph.D." --Anonymous creationist's
 view of evolution
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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