On 25 Jun 1998, Martin Mitchell wrote:

> Sorry for the delayed reply, I've been away a few days.
> Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 17 Jun 1998, Martin Mitchell wrote:
> > 
> > > Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > Did you use X and x as declared on the help screen? These are the vi
> > delete keys, and the cursor is moved left (backspace?) with the h key. All
> > of this is on the help screen. If you don't see it there, there is no
> > guarantee that it will do what you expect.
> I did successfully edit using the standard vi keys, but the backspace works
> in any vi, and it should be supported in the 'vi-mode' of ae. This is one
> of the few remaining problems that are glaringly apparent when using ae in
> vi-mode.

I can certainly add it back into the keybindings, but it will behave
slightly different in an xterm. I can't make an xterm treat backspace any
different from del (they both do a right delete, if I remember correctly)

How about the arrow keys. I can make them work on a console and in an
xterm, although not from a tty.

> I'm trying to provide constructive criticism, that can help improve ae.

And I appreciate that.

> I realize you've faced some rather harsh criticism in the past, however
> I think this was due to the particularly annoying nature of some of the
> bugs that have now been fixed. (eg not being able to quit in vi-mode)
Yes, it has been a bit frustrating that folks can't seem to "get over" the
past difficulties. Reminds me of my Mom, who would keep lists (in her
head) of everything my Dad had ever done "wrong", and would go over the
list at the least opportunity.

When the necessary keys are properly configured, ae is a "nice little
editor" that serves the needs of the installation environment. Why anyone
would continue to use it, instead of one of the other, more virsatile
editors provided in "standard", is beyond my comprehension ;-)

> > The part of the changelog that should have been in that release was
> > missing through my error as well. (how do you fix bugs in a changelog?)
> Add them in a subsequent version, with an explanatory note as to which
> version they were fixed in.
> > My choices are to junk the whole concept, and force all you with vi
> > programmed fingers to use ae instead, or to continue with the poor
> > functionality emulation I have, in hopes that someone will figure out how
> > to "improve" it.
> I'm appreciative of all that has been done, and I only have 3 requests for
> future releases:
> 1) Fix backspace to act as expected when editing text.

To some limits, I can do this.

> 2) Fix displaying default option at command prompts, eg
>    File not saved.  Quit (y/n) ? n^H
>    after typing :q

This is a known slang bug, and we have our best men working on it ;-)

> 3) Remove old /etc/ae2vi.rc file if it exists, to avoid confusion.
Yes, this is a detail that dpkg "should" be able to deal with, but on an
upgrade it doesn't want to remove such files, even though they do not
exist, or have been moved, in the new replacement package.

I can deal with this in the post install. Thanks for reminding me that
this bit of fluff is still "under the bed".

Waiting is,

_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (850) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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