Well classes just ended (I was taking a summer course).  So everyone put
your heads together and tell me what you want.  Once a general idea is
agreed on I will happily code it.  If we want vacations and stuff --
that is fine also.  How much security are we allowing for here?  How
should we control access to the page??  Maybe it would be better to
write a shell script on master/va for vacations?  `vacation -on -time="5
days" shaleh` (as long as shaleh=uid I get set to "vacationing for x"). 
This will then be displayed on a web page and/or sent to a mailing list
once a week.

Basically I enjoy small, stupid coding projects like this.  Lets me

Brandon wrote:
>Hell, might as well implement the vacation stuff while we're at it.
>Shaleh's just wandered into the Twilight Zone cafeteria, where task >after 
>task is getting piled on his tray... :)

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