Michael Meskes wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 07:37:10PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > > Do we have a complete filesystem on CD like SuSE does? It's a nice 
> > > addition
> > > for those short in disk space.
> > 
> > Please send an appropriate patch to the debian-cd maintainer.
> That means there is none? I don't have a patch. Neither am I going to create
> one, but a collegue that I try to persuade to switch from SuSE might be
> interested. The live file system is the only thing that keeps him from
> switching and he might be willing to put some time into it.
> So if we don't have it I talk to him and tell you more.

It is quite easy to install a set of packages on a different partition
and write it to cd afterwards.  So if you have a cd write around you
should be able to produce a custom cd for him.



Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!

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