On Tue 06 Oct 1998, Robert Woodcock wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, what's the security track record on smail vs exim
> for the last two years? The standard MTA should have a chance of being
> secure from remote attacks for at least a year after release.

In the words of Philip Hazel (the Exim author):

  I'm not trying to hold up Exim as a great secure system. I have tried my
  best to make it secure within the limits of the way it operates, and to
  describe it as well as I can. The code is there for anyone to read. It
  is up to you to decide whether to run it or not. Of course I am pleased
  when people choose to run my code, but as I am not selling it, I do not 
  have to advertise or try to persuade anybody.

You can read the rest of the story at
http://www.mailbot.com/cgi-bin/archives/getln?eximusr&1998-09&00332 .

I personally have confidence in Exim's quality in this regard.
Demon (a large ISP in the UK and the Netherlands, www.demon.net)
uses Exim as its customer-facing smtp interface, so I guess that they're
convinced as well.

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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