On 9 Oct 1998, Ben Gertzfield wrote:

che>This is a harder one. :) xforms is in the non-free distribution of
che>Debian, which technically makes it not part of the operating
che>system. I'm not sure how that interacts with the GPL.
        People keep telling me that you can distribute it with the GPL if
a caveat is included.  Of course this GPL with a caveat is not quite the
GPL .  If you use plain-vanilla GPL, then you aren't talking sense.
        I have seen software other than KDE with this problem.  I didn't
check further, but some of them probably have other pieces of GPL code. To
do it right, you need to get each copyright holder licensing her code
under GPL to allow the code to be distributed under another license, ie,
the GPL+caveat.  If you have a lot of code and a lot of sources, this
could be a PITA.



John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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