Saw the following on  Sounds like very good news.
- Dan

Date: 1998/10/10
Newsgroups:  alt.electronics.analog.vlsi, can.vlsi, comp.lsi,
comp.lsi.cad, cu.vlsi 

I am pleased to announce that the "Electric VLSI Design System" is now
available to anyone who wishes to use it.

Free source code and documentation can be found on the Free Software
Foundation web site.  For the latest version, download

Here are some of the amazing features that you will find in Electric:

> Platform independence.  This source release compiles under UNIX,
Windows, and Macintosh.

> Design both Schematic circuits and ASICs (has many IC design rule sets,
including the latest quad-metal MOSIS submicron rules).

> Many built-in tools (DRC, Simulation, Routing, Silicon Compilation, VHDL
interface, Network Consistency Checking, Compaction, Compensation, PLA
Generation, and much more).

> Built-in constraint system provides powerful design assistance.

> Flexible database and tool control make this an ideal workbench for CAD
tool development.

If you want further information, see the GNU web page at:
And if you want further information from the folks who wrote Electric,
their web page at:

            -Steven Rubin

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