
        To cut a long story short, you have some .c files that depend
 on a .h file. Initially, that .h file does not depend on
 anything. You have set it up so that the dependency files are created
 for the .c files, and, sure enough, the dependency files are created
 for the .c files when they do not exist.

        Now, you change the .h files. The dependency files say that
 the objects have to be remade (and they are). However, nothing says
 that the .d files are to be remade whenever the .h files change.

        Had the $(CC) -MM had been run, the dependencies would have
 correctly been updated.

        So it is not really that the .d files are incorrectly created,
 the problem is that you are not advising make to recreate them
 in all the cases that you should. Anything that would cause the .c
 file to be recompiled should really be a cause to recompile the .d

        Since this is really pilot error, I am closing this bug.

        Since this technique may be of interest to others, I am
 forwarding this bug clsure report to debian-user (make wizardry seems
 to be an lost art, alas). I am therefore enclosing the original bug

        The right way to do this, BTW, is to use the dependency rules
 somewhat like this:

REASON = @if [ -f $@ ]; then \
 echo "====== making $(notdir $@) because of $(notdir $?) ======";\
 else \
   echo "====== making (creating) $(notdir $@) ======"; \

%.d: %.c
        -$(CC) ${DEPFLAGS} -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed 's|$*\.o|& $@|' > $@

>>"Barak" == Barak Pearlmutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Barak> (This bug should almost certainly be forwarded to the upstream
 Barak> maintainers - I'm sending it here so the debian bug tracking system
 Barak> will track it.)

 Barak> Let's say you have a Makefile that uses the -MM mechanism discussed in
 Barak> the make info file

 >> Makefile
 Barak>         all: prog

 Barak>         sources=a.c b.c
 Barak>         OBJS=$(sources:.c=.o)
 Barak>         MAKS=$(sources:.c=.d)

 Barak>         include $(MAKS)

 Barak>         %.d: %.c
 Barak>                 $(CC) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@

 Barak>         prog: $(OBJS)
 Barak>                 $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) -lm

 Barak> and you have

 Barak>         /* a.c */
 >> include "x.h"
 Barak>         int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }

 Barak> and

 Barak>         /* b.c */
 >> include "x.h"

 Barak> and

 Barak>         /* x.h */
 Barak>         /* #include "y.h" */

 Barak> and now you make everything,

 Barak>         $ make
 Barak>         Makefile:8: a.d: No such file or directory
 Barak>         Makefile:8: b.d: No such file or directory
 Barak>         cc -MM  b.c > b.d
 Barak>         cc -MM  a.c > a.d
 Barak>         cc    -c a.c -o a.o
 Barak>         cc    -c b.c -o b.o
 Barak>         cc -o prog a.o b.o -lm

 Barak> great, good deal.  Now you edit x.h by uncommenting the #include,

 Barak>         /* x.h */
 >> include "y.h"

 Barak> and create y.h, say an empty file.  Now you remake,

 Barak>         $ make -n
 Barak>         cc    -c a.c -o a.o
 Barak>         cc    -c b.c -o b.o
 Barak>         cc -o prog a.o b.o -lm

 Barak> okay, great.  Now you edit y.h

 Barak>         /* y.h */
 Barak>         /* i yam changed */

 Barak> And NOW you remake:

 Barak>         $ make -n
 Barak>         make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

 Barak> OOPS!!!!  a.c and b.c both actually include y.h, via their inclusion
 Barak> of x.h, so they should be remake.  But a.d and b.d do not reflect
 Barak> this.  This is because they are old.  Actually, a.d and b.d should
 Barak> both be remade.  There should have been dependencies "a.d b.d: x.h",
 Barak> which would have solved the problem, as then the .d files would have
 Barak> been remade.  In fact, -MM could have added that dependency.

 Barak> You might thing -MMD would add that dependency, since it's sure where
 Barak> the output is going, and this bug could be fixed by just changing the
 Barak> info file to advise the use of -MMD instead of -MM.  Nope!

 To any truly impartial person, it would be obvious that I am always
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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