Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> Has anyone looked at panorama and gcad?
> panorama:
> www.gnu.org/software/panorama/panorama.html
> I'll try it soon, but from the web-page it looks like it might be
> stable enough to put in <what's the name of that forever-unstable¹
> distribution?>.

Good luck.

> gCAD:
> gaztelan.bi.ehu.es/~inigo/gcad/
> >From what I can tell, this isn't really useful, so I don't know
> whether there is any point in packaging it yet.
> ¹This will look good when I'm describing my system. Instead of
>  Debian slink I'll just say Debian forever-unstable ;-)

I just took a look at gcad.  It compiles and runs.  During startup
it doesn't find a lot of files.  Possibly the reason is I was staring
through the compile directory without a real installation.  At least
this needs some investigation.

It is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.



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