>>"Brian" == Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 >> I'm not sure if it's a good idea to release them as a part of a
 >> "stable" distribution, as they really aren't.  There aren't any
 >> guarantees that the stuff that runs today is going to run tomorrow.

 Brian> I would agree with you.  They should probably be removed from slink
 Brian> at the time of the freeze.  Do you have a list of these packages?

        If we are going to staret removing packages because of the
 quality of the software, wonderful. I move to remove all traces of
 the travesty of editors, vi, from Debian, since obviously as editors
 they are less than alpha quality software.

        I also want to remove csh and variants, cause they all suck
 And we should remove them right now, like yesterday.

        Since when has Debian yanked software that seems to work based
 on quality? It is not as if there were higher quality older versions
 that were superceded by inferior versins; this is new software, and
 not likely to violate the principle of least surprise.

 Men are machines, with all their boasted freedom, Their movements
 turn on some favorite passion; Let art but find the foible out, We
 touch the spring and wind them at our pleasure.  -- Brooke
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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