On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 09:49:22PM -0700, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "Dan" == Dan Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Dan> See, it's not "Is anyone going to?" or "Do we agree we
>     Dan> should?" right now.  It's "does anyone but Dan have the time
>     Dan> to look at http://master.debian.org/~dan and figure out why
>     Dan> the compiled libstdc++2.8 package whose source is there is
>     Dan> missing a lot of important symbols".  I can't figure it out.
>     Ben> The source in http://master.debian.org/~dan in the libstdc
>     Ben> sir is for 2.9. Could this be the problem?
>     Dan> I present
>     Dan> http://master.debian.org/~dan/libstdc/libstdc++_2.90.29-1.dsc
>     Dan> for your enjoyment...
>     Dan> Notice it says Binary: libstdc++2.8.
> Wow. How does 2.90 compile out to become 2.8?

The same way egcs 1.1b becomes gcc 2.91.53.  The one is an interface
number and the other an internal version.


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