The XFree86 (I think it's also called the MIT license?) has been added.  Since
(so far) we still accept the advertising clause, the BSD license is still

On 21-Jan-99 Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> Perhaps we could mention this problem with the advertisment clause
> here, and add XFree86 to the list ? There were no problems with any
> XFree86 license, so it's reasonable to say that the XFree86 license is 
> a good template for a free license.

*                                     <><  *
* -------------------- * -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ---------------*
*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
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*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b++++ DI+++ D++   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+                            *
* -------------------- * ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ---------------*

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