
After a recent upgrade of the JDK package (on a slink machine) it
stopped working.  It complains about not finding 'versionCheck' and
won't run any program (I'm talking about the jre, the runtime

At first I suspected that maybe I screwed something and purged and
re-installed the package, but that doesn't work.  Now I had a report
from someone else that it doesn't work for him at all too.

I haven't recieved any response from the maintainerso far (about a
week after sending this bug, and about two weeks since the fatal

Is anyone sitting on this?  How severe is this for the release?



--Amos Shapira                    | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.          |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                  |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL       [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |                     -- Anonymous

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