On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 16:34:58 -0500, Daniel Martin wrote:
[my rant deleted]

> I have yet to learn how to navigate this area, and am often surprised
> at how strongly an offhand comment is taken.

Smilies might have helped. In this case, your comment really triggered me. I
seldomly flame, but in this case, I felt it was justified.

> I'm looking closely at Code Medic now.  (Though I'm surprised it isn't
> already on the wnpp list)

The problem with Code Medic is that it is fit for "contrib" at best; I don't
recall its license, but it depends on a GUI library that's non-free ("not
for commercial use" IIRC).

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

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