In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It's the same version I have as well (latest Slink).  Do you have
>gnuserv installed as well?  With gnuserv 2.1alpha-4 installed it
>doesn't work.  I tried purging gnuserv and then run gnuclient.xemacs20
>but I still get an error like:
>(1) (error/warning) Error in process filter: (void-function gnuserv-edit-files)
>Maybe the previous installation of gnuserv broke it?  As far as I
>remember, I tried to install gnuserv *because* gnuclient didn't work
>without it.

This probably meant that you were loading the lisp from the gnuserv
package, not from the XEmacs install. The gnuserv.el supplied with the
gnuserv packages doesn't define "gnuserv-edit-files", it defines

I will protect you from your visions to save you from illusions
I will protect you from ideals to save you from defeat            [covenant]

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