Hartmut Koptein wrote:
> Hi,
> > BTW, I think it's good to set an *optimistic* freeze date, so people
> > aren't shocked.  I would set it at July 1, or maybe Bastille day
> > (Debian pomme de terre?).

We have a long history of overly optimistic freeze dates :-)  I'd like
to try something else this time.  I note, though, that if we do manage
to freeze on July 1, we'll be able to have a release in time for the
Linuxworld Expo in August.  That would be cool.

> For slink update or for potato? For potato we new min. two months and
> only if we start now working very hard (all maintainers, not only 10 people 
> or so)
> on bad packages & boot-floppies & cd-images.

Two months means fixing 2 release-critical bugs per day, starting now.
I may have to "re-evaluate" a few...

In any case, my next step will be to mark the packages that I plan to
remove from "frozen" if they aren't fixed at freeze time.  This way,
their maintainers have advance warning, and the bughunters can concentrate
on bugs that will actually delay the freeze.

> The QA-team must then also have the power to do massive NMU's.
> How many open bugs have we, more then 7000?  This must be down to ~1000. 

Wow, you're more ambitious than I am :-)  I'll be happy enough if we
can get the release-critical bugs under control.  The rest are, well,
not critical to the release, and I'll let someone else worry about them.

That said, though, I would like to encourage maintainers to fix up
existing packages, rather than packaging more and more new ones.
I don't think we can ever reduce the number of bugs unless the
ratio of maintainers to packages goes up.

Richard Braakman

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