>GNU acct is still broken for 2.2 kernels. I thought a >recompile would
>fix it,
>but it doesn't.  The upstream author, with whom I >generally had very
>(albeit sporadic) contact is MIA.  AFAICT the other >dists don't

>The package needs a kernel hacker type who can debug >and hopefully
>Unless someone steps forward to adopt it, I will ask >that acct be
>prior to the release of potato

In looking at the gnucash site I got the impression that work on gnu
acct was being phased out in favor of gnucash.  Has anyone tried to
complile gnucash, I think they have made the move from motif/lesstif to
gtk.  As soon as I get the time to install gnome on my slink system,
trying out gnucash is on my todo list (if I can get a replacement for
quicken and turbotax I can get my wife off windows and on to linux.  I
already have a replacement for wordperfect, wordperfect!)

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