On Thu, 13 May 1999 15:02:40 +0100 (BST), Julian Gilbey wrote:
>> Glad to hear all of this.  I just have one comment:
>> >  - The mktexlsr, mktexdir and mktexupd scripts must not be setuid.
>> >    If they are, anyone could run them, which is unnecessary.  Any
>> >    extra privileges they require will be gained when they are called
>> >    from other setuid processes.
>> It seems to me that *only* these three should be setuid, since only
>> these three need elevated privileges.  mktextfm, etc. should be
>> changed to write the output into a scratch directory, and have
>> mktexupd move it into place.
>> Yes, this does mean anyone can invoke them, but if properly designed
>> no damage can be done, and this restricts the scope of the changes and
>> the scope of the specially privileged code much better.
>No, absolutely not.  If mktexupd is setuid, then anyone can make it do
>anything to the ls-R file, I would guess.  

Only if mktexupd is misdesigned; it ought to be capable of validating

>And having mktex{mf,tfm,pk}
>writing to a scratch directory defeats the purpose of making the fonts
>directory read only, as anyone could then create a corrupt font file
>in the scratch directory and run mktexupd.

This is a problem, but isn't there some simple, efficient way to
validate font files?


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