* Ossama Othman said:

>  > > Simple. :-)
>  > Perhaps, but not clean. And doesn't make sense in this particular case...
>  > Remember the rule of the Ockham's Razor???? I think it should be obeyed
>  > here...
> What's not clean about it?  It's a very simple wrapper?  Also, what
> doesn't make sense?  It has been taken out of context so you don't know
> what it is used for but it conveys the general idea, I think.  I'm
Oh, you got me wrong :)) I wasn't talking about the code itself :)). I just
don't see any point in creating a C++ library just to create a C wrapper, so
that C programs and, say, scripting languages can use it. It is MUCH easier
to write it in C at once, especially when nothing justifies using C++. I
mean, you can buy a small car - a "shopping bag on wheels" and then buy a
new engine just to be able to tow a trailer :)) - it is possible, but not
cost-effective and sensible - you can buy a larger and stronger car at once
:)). Maybe the example isn't perfect, but it shows what I have in mind :)).
In other words - why create TWO libraries instead of one? Writing the code
in C++ would result in:

1. having a c++ library
2. having a C-wrapper library to interface the C++ one ('cause it doesn't
   make sense to put the C wrappers inside the C++ library)
3. Most programmers would write code in C, linking against the wrapper library
   wich, in turn, would load the C++ library and the latter would pull in
   libstdc++ and whatever else is needed. Imagine how much memory space is
   wasted? The C program that starts the chain, doesn't need all the C++
   bloat behind the scenes...

> afraid I don't recall what Ockham's Razor says. :-)  Could you please
> let me know?
It's a rule created in XVII-th century that says that, in simple words,
every theory, experiment or research should be as simple as possible -
without adding too much unnecessary stuff. It may be possible to achieve a
goal in two ways, but always one of them is simpler and equally correct as
the second one - Ockham's Rule says "chose the simpler approach, the simpler
the better"


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