On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:31:51PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "s" == solomon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> s> Manager) showed up in unstable so i grabbed it.  Next time i
> s> rebooted, it gave me the gnome login screen and my mouse works, but
> s> for some odd reason it disables my keyboard.
> I already filed a bugreport about this. The maintainer thinks this may 
> be due to xdm and gdm both trying to serve :0.

I'm pretty sure it's because gdm is fighting with getty over vt2.  xdm does
that.  wdm does that.  Login.app doesn't (because it's spawned by init). 
Before the slink release, there was plenty of discussion regarding this. 
Most of the people involved in the discussion agree the start up process
needs to be modified in order to properly address this problem.  Most of the
people agree the modification is not trivial.


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