On Sat, May 22, 1999 at 11:23:54AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> joe is not discontinued upstream.  Joe Allen just hasn't worked on it in
> 3+ years as he worked on other things.  Recent posts from him on comp.editors
> suggests that he is going to start working on joe again.

That's great news!

>     I've never seen a problem with its termcap/ncurses interface.  Could you
> explain?

It is THE worst editor to use when you have a terminal with any kind
of illness (and that is my most common situation, for example, I'm typing
this now through Telemate for DOS, and no kind of $TERM can make joe work
without garbling the text).

Also, it segfaults very often when closing large (>10MB) files, and you
can provoke a segfault after you go to Find mode (^KF), just by rapidly
typing different escape and control sequences.

Still, it's the best editor around =%o)

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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