Helen McCall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Every single "flame" I have received over the last ten years has been from
> someone connected with Aaron Sloman. These "flames" have been on numerous
> and diverse subjects. Whether this is just some amazing coincidence, or
> that Aaron Sloman is just an appalling influence on everyone around him, I
> do not know! I long ago decided that he is a person whom I would never
> want to know.

As I said before, I have never talked with him on any subject except
for how to package up the Free Poplog distribution, the various Pop11
AI tools available, how to make the whole system as useful as possible
to educators and students, and what changes would be needed to make a
Debian package of it and port it to the various architectures Debian
supports.  I would consider my association mere coincidence.

> I believe that Aaron Sloman is actually a Psychologist. If this is true,
> has he been conducting some dreadful experiment in conditioning people to
> show hatred and intolerance?

No, he is a cognitive scientist working in AI and a teacher.  I
actually have found him to be very kind, an excellent writer (his
tutorial on Pop11 is one of the best comp-sci texts I've seen), and
someone who has volunteered alot of time to help students and other
educators, and anyone else using Poplog.  I'm posting to the list now
only to make sure that readers have an accurate picture of a volunteer
who has given alot of time and resources to Free Software, and AI
research in general.

I will no longer be responding to your mail in public, please take
this offlist if you are compelled to respond.

Craig Brozefsky                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Scheme/Lisp Software     http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
"riot shields. voodoo economics. its just business. cattle 
 prods and the IMF." - Radiohead, OK Computer, Electioneering

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